• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Further ahead with AWARE Simcoe

In About Us
Oct 22nd, 2010

Letter to aware.simcoe@gmail.com Ocotber 21 2010
My wife and I downsized (moved from Brampton) to a nice little house in the lovely town of Angus. We didn’t know much about the politics of the area but have always voted in every election. Thanks to Aware Simcoe, we are able to do a little digging and discover more about the issues and the people running for council here. Seems like some healthy back-stabbing (hey, it’s a democracy, right?) takes place here too. We are doing our best to come up with a slate of candidates that best match our values, yet can conduct business without resorting to fisticuffs. Nothing final yet, but thanks to you folks we are further ahead than we would have been by simply relying on brochures and discussions at the door.
We appreciate your work
Rory Hawes/Jean Stephen, Angus

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