• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Katy Austin Seeks Ward 1 Council Position

In Springwater
Sep 1st, 2010

News release from Katy Austin — August 31 2010
Katy Austin has registered as a candidate in this fall’s municipal election. She
will be seeking the position of Councillor for Ward 1(Elmvale,) on Springwater
Township Council. Having lived in Elmvale for the past 30 years, she wants the chance to
help shape the future of Springwater Township.
As Councillor, Austin would welcome the opportunity of working with the
merchants of Elmvale as they develop strategies to keep the downtown a vibrant and
thriving core of the village. The same applies to the group working to keep our local high
school, which is also vital to the life of the community. As well, she would like to be
involved in promoting the village farmers’ market as it encourages citizens to support the
farmers of Springwater Township and Simcoe County by buying local produce.
Most importantly, Austin sees the need for a long-term vision for the township as
our society moves towards a new way of living: how can we meet the challenges and
opportunities of peak oil, climate change, the green economy and the new jobs it brings,
and the need for zero waste?
As a retired teacher, Austin has the time to devote her energy to the job as
Councillor. A board member of Zero Waste Simcoe, she has spent a great deal of time
over the past year explaining and promoting the ideas of zero waste to municipal councils
in Simcoe County. She has also developed political experience at the provincial and
federal levels as the NDP candidate in the past three elections in Simcoe Grey.
Austin’s three children grew up in Elmvale and have blessed her with four
grandchildren. Along with her partner, Stew Netherton, she has been an active member
of Good Vibes Coffeehouse in Mount Saint Louis and the former Don’s Coffeehouse in
Hillsdale and Elmvale.
If you wish to share your concerns and visions for Springwater and Elmvale, you
can contact Katy at katy.austin@sympatico.ca or 322-3365.

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