• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Input wanted for new waste strategy

In Simcoe County
Jan 11th, 2010

By DOUGLAS GLYNN, Orillia Packet and Times
If you have an opinion about how Simcoe County should dispose of your garbage over the next 20 years, now’s the time to speak out, according to Zero Waste Simcoe.
The county’s waste strategy committee meets Jan. 18 to begin the process of reviewing the options for a new waste management master plan and, says Zero Waste founder Gordon McKay, the time frame for public input is limited.
“We are encouraging people to visit our website, www.zerowastesimcoe.org,to view the full set of options that are on the table and to take the time to offer their opinions,” said McKay. “The county is also seeking feedback on the website wastestrategy.simcoe.ca.”
McKay, Zero Waste’s representative on the committee, says the county has set a June deadline to complete the work.
But, he adds, the deadline for the public to provide Zero Waste with suggestions is right now “because we have to put together our options by February at the latest.”
The county has hired Stantec Consultants Inc. to assist in developing a new 20-year strategy to improve the region’s waste diversion programs and provide short-and-long term options for the disposal of waste .
McKay says the second meeting of the committee started with a debate about vision: “what will our waste situation in Simcoe County look like in 20 years time?”
“Vision is critical to getting it right,” says McKay, especially in situations where there is rapid change and many choices. “Vision is your guide. Lose your vision or pick the wrong one and you are likely headed down the wrong path.”
Zero Waste’s website sets out the two contrasting visions that were presented to the committee. It says:
“In summary, the vision presented by Stantec reaffirmed that the county was in the waste business for the long haul and would focus on recycling and disposal solutions.
“The vision presented by Zero Waste Simcoe would see the county leave the waste business (except for organics) as greater use was made of provincially driven Extended Producer Responsibility and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and not build any future landfills.”

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