• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Report from Oro-Medonte

In Uncategorized
Sep 18th, 2009

September 11th, 2009
from Ann Truyens
While we do not want to let our guard down on Site 41, it is increasingly important to have our energies turned to the solution – Zero Waste. I grow increasingly concerned that our politicians will turn to the easy fix of “shipping it to Durham” – out of sight out of mind. If that is the case, Simcoe will have learned nothing.
I went to the Oro-Medonte Council meeting on Wednesday to tell them my views on this important matter. They were very receptive and expressed that my thoughts are very much in line with the goal and the actions of Oro-Medonte Council.
DM Ralph Hough told me that he had placed a five-point recommendation on the floor at the SC Corporate Services committee meeting on Tuesday which will be debated at their next meeting later this month. Included in his recommendations is that he wants the committee to invite representatives from different groups to come and speak about all the different options of dealing with garbage, including Zero Waste Simcoe.
DM Hough also wants county staff to investigate additional mining at local landfills to increase capacity. Rob McCullough said at last night’s CMC meeting that SC now has only 7 years capacity left at their dump sites!
However Warden Guergis said the bylaw should be dealt with first before any discussions are held on a new direction. This doesn’t make any sense. Why not look at all the different options first! He doesn’t want to ship SC garbage elsewhere, but he also doesn’t want to look at alternatives to DS41. I can’t figure him out! What is he up to now?
I was at the CMC meeting last night and Rob McCullough also talked about possibly sending the garbage to Durham. I know Warden Guergis just wants to wash his hands of the whole garbage situation and take the easy way out. However he seems to be reluctant to have the import/export bylaw changed for fear of having to possibly accept GTA’s garbage. So we need to keep pushing SC to focus on Zero Waste.
We need to raise awareness and make people accountable for the garbage they produce and have them become part of the solution. Living in a clean environment concerns and affects all of us. We need to take action now to protect our future generations. Together we can make Simcoe County become a leader in Zero Waste.
You can become a member of Zero Waste Simcoe at ZWS

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chris says:
September 11, 2009 at 2:47 pm  (Edit)
“I know Warden Guergis just wants to wash his hands of the whole garbage situation and take the easy way out.”
I wish that I agreed: my guess is that, one way or another, this narrow minded and stubborn man, intends to persist in pushing Site 41. He appears to have such a contempt for the electorate as to believe that it would be wrong to do what they want.

Elsie Maclaren says:
September 11, 2009 at 8:06 pm  (Edit)
If only we could get the dumpsite killed and the C of A revoked, then we could put all our energies to zero waste, but as was said last night by some, Zero waste is unatainable! We know that is not true but lets not let this movement slow down the priortiy of getting the dumpsite finished with. As I hear about zero waste I am becoming more and more aware of what I buy and what goes into my garbage but STOP DUMPSITE 41 is the priority and we don’t want anything to slow that process down! Step by step one battle at a time makes sense to me.

mr.wilsonmr. says:
September 12, 2009 at 10:10 am  (Edit)
how long before the mandate of tony guergies
is over.
is there someone else (forward thinking ) on simcoe county council that is willing to take us where we need to go.

Director of Zero Waste Simcoe is Ray Millar.
would it be possible for him to put together an information package outlining what is required and a list of jurisdictions were a zero waste policy has been implemented.
each mayor and deputy mayor needs to receive one and become informed about this option.

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