By Melanie Redman January 20, 2011Will the global community define water as a human right, available to all, or as a commodity to be bought, sold, traded, and ultimately out of reach from the poorest people on this earth? ...
By Jennifer Bain Food Editor Toronto Star January 15 2011Food is so plentiful in Canada that even our garbage cans are full of it.We throw away 40 per cent of our edibles every year according to most recent estimates. If wasting food is shameful, then why aren’t we ashamed? ...
By Krystyn Tully and Joanna Bull, Waterkeeper Weekly January 10 2011Ontario’s new long-term energy plan may look like it is all about green power (it is called “Building Our Clean Energy Future”, after all). It isn’t. First and foremost, Ontario’s energy plan commits Ontarians to building more nuclea...
The Green Pages December 22, 2010Toronto – Environmental groups are applauding the strong recommendations put forward by the Ontario government’s expert advisory panel aimed at protecting citizens from strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs). They now call on the McGuinty...
…Somebody turned our places to eat; our most valuable food lands, into parking lots… That is what our Epitaph will someday proudly read unless we wake up and pay attention to what is going on all around us. In the U.S.A. according to today’s Jan 10/11 Los Angeles Times (see story be...
By Andrew Chung Toronto Star January 9 2011MONTREAL—Marie-Paule Spieser won’t drink water from a tap. Any tap. Anywhere. Such is the psychological legacy of learning 10 years ago that the well from which she and her young children were drawing their drinking water was laced with a toxic chemical, tri...
The Canadian Press Jan 9 2011OTTAWA—A new study ranks Canada dead last in an international comparison of freedom-of-information laws — a hard fall after many years being judged a global model in openness. ...
News release from the Peaceful Parks Coalition - Jabuary 8 2010 In October 2010, Peaceful Parks discovered the Legislation Act. ...
By Jessica Leeder Globe and Mail Jan 05, 2011 – As crime sagas go, a scheme rigged by a sophisticated cartel of global traders has all the right blockbuster elements: clandestine movements of illegal substances through a network of co-operatives in Asia, a German conglomerate, jet-setting executives,...
By Al Lehmann North Terrace Standard January 04, 2011The inadequacies of financial accounting are a more or less open secret today, particularly that aspect of dealing with costs. In the past we were able to get away with taking advantage of externalities (transferring costs of doing business to the ...