• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Author "AWARE Simcoe"

Apr 18th, 2020
Injured turtles need Super Glue – and kids and grownups can help! Hello from Kelly at Think Turtle Conservation Initiative As we are all aware one of the affects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been people purchasing a vast array of staple items as ...
Apr 18th, 2020
A rendering of the proposed ERRC on Horseshoe Valley Road.  ‘If we look at David and Goliath as an analogy, they’re taking away our slingshot and our rock,’ says one of the opponents of the Horseshoe Valley Road project ]By: Jessica Owen Or...
Apr 17th, 2020
Listening to the science? Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams answers questions, with Premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliott and Finance Minister Rod Philips looking on – CANADIAN PRESS photo by Mike Balkwill Wellingt...
Apr 17th, 2020
Queen’s University Public Health Sciences Current Master of Public Student student Izabelle Siqueira spoke out against provincial government budget cuts to public health in a letter to the editor published in Kingston’s The Whig Standard ne...
Apr 16th, 2020
By Bill French Springwater News  I read and commented on the excellent articles by Kate Harries posted recently on this site. I did post a brief comment and would like to elaborate. It did not surprise me that Council approved the tree cutting on the M...
Apr 15th, 2020
Speaking truth to power – Sophia, Zoe, Shaelyn, Alex, Shelby, Madi and Beze Seven young Ontarians are fighting to keep their climate lawsuit going By Fraser Thomson EcoJustice The COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark on almost every Canadian. Whet...
Apr 14th, 2020
1 Comment
Assault on nature…. –Wilderness Committee photomontage Ford suspends public participation in proposed Ontario government environmental decisions News release from EcoJustice April 7, 2020 The Ford government has used the cover of the COVID-...
Apr 10th, 2020
1 Comment
From Peaceful Parks Coalition We have until April 20 to comment on this proposal: EBR # 019/1406 https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-1406 “Proposed regulatory matters pertaining to community benefits authority under the Planning Act, the Developmen...
Apr 9th, 2020
Wasaga Beach community gardens – AWARE Simcoe file photo  From Bonnie North,  Green Party of Ontario We think the government made a mistake by issuing a mandatory closure of all community gardens in Ontario due to COVID-19 It’s an oversight they ...
In Issues
Apr 8th, 2020
The company behind the breakthough has partnered with major companies including Pepsi and L’Oréal. Reuters photo Bacterial enzyme originally found in compost can be used to make high-quality new bottles By Damian Carrington The Guardian  A mutant bacte...