• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Author "AWARE Simcoe"

Dec 20th, 2022
Responding to the over-representation of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples in custody. Community and Justice Services professor Lance Triskle takes his Indigenous Justice class out to the Debwewin miinwaa Naaskodaadiwin Miikaans Truth and Reconcil...
Dec 20th, 2022
First Nation in northwestern Ontario gains promise that no logging company or lumber mill will touch trees from their land without their permission. From the Toronto Star By Marco Chown Oved Climate Change Reporter Fri., Dec. 2, 2022   For 20 year...
Dec 20th, 2022
‘We can anticipate where they will strike next,’ writes Gord Miller Gord Miller From Simcoe.com Monday, December 12, 2022 The battle to stop the removal of Greenbelt lands from their protected status is not over yet. Many still protest and ...
Dec 19th, 2022
Jeff Monague offers holiday wishes for politicians, including Simcoe North MPP, who he noted ‘may have accidentally fallen into a vat of invisible ink’ Jeff Monague, an Ojibway elder and knowledge keeper, has some good wishes and advice for...
Dec 19th, 2022
Natural curiosity led Bob Bowles on the path to become environmental expert Local naturalist Bob Bowles has lived in Orillia for 36 years.Greg McGrath-Goudie/OrilliaMatters Whether you’ve been a student in one of his courses, read one of his columns in...
Dec 18th, 2022
This government has rolled back decades of environmental protection Barrie Advance Tuesday, December 6, 2022 As Barrie’s only registered environmental charity, Living Green opposes our provincial government’s attack on the environment. In the context o...
Dec 17th, 2022
‘The decline in support for the Bypass is just one of the signs that the province has stopped listening to the people,’ says reader Nov 29, 2022 Photo: Bradford Bypass protestNatasha Philpott/BradfordToday Last week’s Bradford Bypass Public...
Dec 17th, 2022
Concerns about Oro Moraine ‘a three-alarm issue,’ says letter writer The Oro Moraine is the beginning place (headwaters) of seven watercourses including the Hawkestone Creek, above.David Hawke Photo From BarrieToday, Dec 16 2022 Thank you, ...
Dec 17th, 2022
Severn Sound Environmental Association receives funding through 2 Billion Trees program Dec 16 2022 From OrilliaMatters, Ariel Deutschmann/Village Media file photo   Action to reverse climate change and enhance the local environment in the Severn ...
In Barrie
Dec 17th, 2022
‘If we have to tolerate this behaviour for the next three and a half years, the province could be destined to become a backwater territory,’ says letter writer From BarrieToday, Dec 14 2022, Supporters cheer for Doug Ford at a rally in Barr...