• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tell the Trudeau government to pause the construction of TMX

In Development
Nov 21st, 2021
1 Comment

From 350.org

Earlier this week, a climate-charged atmospheric river delivered unprecedented rainstorms across BC’s lower mainland. Rivers rose, storms surged, highways were washed away and the entire city of Merritt had to be evacuated.

Many of the images from the flooding are harrowing, but one image really stood out to me. It showed a section of the under-construction Trans Mountain pipeline buried in landslide debris. The same pipeline that was forced to halt construction by extreme heat and wildfires just a few months ago is now being stalled by extreme rains, flooding and landslides. Frankly, if that isn’t a sign that it’s time to rethink this pipeline, I’m not sure what is.

That’s why, today, we’re calling on Justin Trudeau and his new cabinet to formally pause construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline and do a comprehensive review of the project. Add your name to the open letter now.

Since Trudeau bought and approved the pipeline, the pace and scale of the climate crisis has accelerated. And, experts have raised serious questions about the project’s initial approval. Reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the International Energy Agency and the Canadian Energy Regulator have all shown that Trans Mountain doesn’t make sense in a 1.5ºC world.

Whatever math Justin Trudeau and his cabinet did when they first approved this pipeline, it isn’t holding up. We need a formal, federal review and reconsideration of the pipeline before we pump billions more public dollars into it and put communities and the climate further at risk.

Tell the Trudeau government to pause the construction of TMX and formally review the project now.

One Response to “Tell the Trudeau government to pause the construction of TMX”

  1. Marina N-W says:

    Stop building the pipeline.
    There are alternative energy sources to be invested in.
    Invest in healthy, family communities too.

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