• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Sign the Pettition to Protect Grassy Narrows

In Development
Nov 27th, 2021
Grassy Narrows youth Rodney Bruce listens to a speaker during a press conference calling on the federal government to take action at the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Special Chiefs Assembly in Ottawa on Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019.  ADRIAN WYLD / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO

By Adriana and Claire for Leadnow, on behalf of FreeGrassy

Ontario has violated its own Mining Act and granted eight drilling permits to three different companies on Grassy Narrows Territory without consulting or even notifying the community. [1]

At the same time, Ontario is planning new industrial logging on Grassy Narrows lands. These violations would compound the harm that mercury, clearcut logging, hydro dams, and residential schools have already done to Grassy Narrows lives, lands, and way of life. [2] Grassy Narrows is fighting back.

If enough people take this action, we could cause a tidal wave of pressure that could get the mining permits cancelled. But we need your support to make it happen. Earlier this year, your action helped stop Trillium Gold from drilling on Grassy Narrows Territory. Can you help stop more companies that are threatening Grassy Narrows’ way of life?

Grassy Narrows Chief Randy Fobister stated: “We are on a healing path for our people and the forest is our treatment center. We need our forest intact, but the government isn’t working with us, they are working against us. They need to stop logging and mining so the land can heal.  Good land will heal our people from all the damage the government has been pushing on us. That is reconciliation.” [3]

This violation of Grassy Narrows’ Land Declaration is a disturbing threat to Grassy Narrows’ self-determination, rights and culture. Will you take action to stop this violation of Indigenous rights in Grassy Narrows and get these mining permits cancelled?

[1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/grassy-narrows-mining-legal-action-1.6251280
[2] https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2021/04/24/proposed-mining-threatens-grassy-narrows-first-nations-long-struggle-for-environmental-justice.html
[3] https://wawa-news.com/index.php/2021/11/17/grassy-narrows-takes-legal-action-against-mining-exploration/

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