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Excerpts from deputy mayor Facebook session

In New Tecumseth
Oct 7th, 2010

New Tecumseth Free Press Online October 6, 2010
New Tecumseth’s deputy mayor candidates took to Facebook last night to participate in a first-ever locally all candidates meeting taking questions from Free Press Online and public participants over about a two hour period.
Two of the candidates – Christine Brayford and Bo Niederhuber took questions in real time, while incumbent Rick Milne and Doug Weatherall answered the queries as their schedule permitted, after the official portion had ended.
Below is a sampling of the questions asked and answers provided. Ed Note: Editing was kept to a minimum to catch spelling mistakes. There were also slight cuts for condensing purposes that did not in anyway change the context of the answers. The candidates did not all answer every question.
Why are you running for deputy mayor?
Christine Brayford: I bring a fresh perspective to this role and have always made decisions that I consider in the interest of all communities that make up New Tecumseth. Being available and involved in the activities of the municipality is of the utmost importance to the voters and I plan to continue this active engagement. Our community is a vibrant, exciting place, where new vision and leadership is required in this role.
Bo Niederhuber: I think this is a very important time for New Tecumseth due to the current economy. I feel that our debt load is high given the current state of the economy and there will be many pressures on New Tecumseth in the near future. Taxes, the economy, development. I would like to be a voice for the residents of New Tecumseth.
But what kind of approaches would you bring to the table to get those matters under control?
Bo Niederhuber: We need to slow down on our spending. It is a good time to tighten up budgets. We should wait until development materializes before spending. I also think staff and resources could be better utilized. We need to stay ahead of the development that is coming to ensure it is done on our terms and that our rural environments are preserved.
It has become clear that Tottenham and Beeton are having a harder time bringing new businesses to their downtowns than Alliston. What new and innovative ideas would you bring to Council with respect to energizing Tottenham and Beeton so that services such as blood clinic and xray services are available in Tottenham again.
Christine Brayford: The Town has established Beeton/Tottenham BIA to focus on the revitalization in the two downtowns, Brought together tourism providers to pursue development of destination management, BAT program, downtown master plans, Implemented Bizpal system, implemented a facades fund in the amount of $250K.
Rick Milne: Hosting town hall meetings to discuss with the residents how they would like to see their town developed commercially, bringing affordable housing to ensure that the resident will stay and shop in Beeton and Tottenham. Also work closely with the Beeton/Tottenham BIA to address these concerns.
Doug Weatherall: Growth attracts business. Businesses love to go where there are lots of people. This has been the way for hundreds of years. To attract new businesses to a community, people are going to have to make that choice. Do they want more growth in their community?
Bo Niederhuber: All of New Tecumseth’s downtowns are experiencing difficulties. It may not be all that innovative but Beeton and Tottenham need some development to allow the existing businesses to improve as well as getting new businesses to start up. We need to encourage people to shop local and support local business. I talked to the owner of the medical center today. He is still actively looking for a lab for this location. There are certainly challenges in finding one.
The Industrial Parkway railway crossing is becoming a real issue for our residents. Many I know share in my concern. Railway tracks being blocked 20,30 and 40 minutes at a time in the middle of the day is at its least annoying, and at most a real roadblock for emergency and first responders.Is there a solution? Christine Brayford: We need an underpass or overpass and the province should pay for it as it supports Honda.
Bo Niederhuber: The Industrial Parkway is a bit of a disaster. What started as a truck by pass now has 8 sets of lights, a rec center and a retirement community. When the Tottenham Rd closed it created a problem at the tracks. The province kicked in the bypass to the east back to 89 but the federal gov’t did not fix the problem at the tracks. Now you are going to see a bypass around the bypass. When this will happen. I am not sure.
Rick Milne: As a retired paramedic this is a great concern to me personally. A meeting needs to be set up with our federal and provincial levels of governments, we need to have our mayor, deputy mayor and council to support this issue along with the federal and provincial representatives to work with the CP rail to get resolution.
Have you grasped any areas in the budget that you can sense can be tightened without affecting services?
Christine Brayford: No I don’t we are coming out of a recession. Our revenue is growing due to investments in infrastructure some, of which has been paid for through long term debt. While I am not a fan of taking on debt, it should be noted that the Town of New Tecumseth is well within our prescribed limits for debt and a large part of that debt is not the responsibility of existing residents, but instead, will be paid by new development. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regulates that a municipality should not commit more than 25 per cent of total own purpose revenue to service debt and other long term obligations. Our finances are independently audited on a regular basis.
Bo Niederhuber: We have some great staff working for New Tecumseth right now. Great people, hard workers. They need to be managed into a productive, efficient system. A happier, more productive workforce. I believe we need to manage the parks and rec budget. We have spent a lot of money on improvements in this area recently. I think we need to maintain this level of service for now..and proceed with caution on any new expenditures.
Because of your business, you’ve actively chased municipal government tenders over the years, and are currently building the Mel Mitchell Field House. If elected, do you stop bidding on Town projects? Do you sense any type of conflict position with that?
Bo Niederhuber: Right now I plan to step back from bidding on Municipal projects. If I am able to bid fairly through the tender process (I would have to bid against other companies also wishing to do this work) I will look into it again, and make a decision at that time. I would not want there to be any conflict.
What’s your opinion on the so called ‘north versus south’ issues that continue to reverberate in town, particularly at election time? Christine Brayford I believe celebrating and appreciating our distinct differences is the answer to continuing in the progress of our town’s unity.
Christine Brayford: The people of our community regularly enjoy new and traditional events, like the honey festival, blue grass, potato fest, which have proved to be necessary when promoting a sense of unity and the feeling of community within our municipality.
Rick Milne: Unfortunately there still are some north versus south issues and maybe there will always be. Hopefully with recent joining of all the local BIA’s this could be the first step in making a difference. In the last few days I have been east of the 15th talking to some of the residents and the concerns that they have expressed to me are that the town hall is long distance and their fire services come from Schomberg.
One of the next major proposed/wished for investment in the next term is the issue of replacing the Beeton Arena with what that committee hopes will be a multi-use facility that initial estimates pegged at $8 million for just the building. What is your position is on that?
Christine Brayford: I plan to support the continuation of this project. I dont know what the numbers will look like although many have been tossed around. That budget will be up to the new council to approve.
Bo Niederhuber: I believe the people of Beeton deserve some kind of multi use facility. Every community needs its gathering place. They are very important to the fabric of a community. As a community they have already started planning for what they need. The challenge will be funding it. It may have to built slowly…perhaps in phases. In order that it doesn’t cost us twice as much due to interest on further debt.
Rick Milne: I am in support of a multi facility in Beeton. The current facility is over 50 years old and maintenance expenses are extremely high. It is not being utlized to its full potential. Monies for this building will come from the existing hydro fund, fund raising, and recreational development charges.
Doug Weatherall: I do support this project because this town we call New Tecumseth and its people are spread out over a large area. The communitees within it have business and people that rely on gathering at community buildings. These buildings are a good foundation for areas to grow and be viberant. We need to find a way to pay for these projects and not affect any other services and the debt.
The time for Leadership comes after Election Day. If elected, your top three priorities, specifically, would be?
Christine Brayford: We need to create a good balance between affordable taxes and the level of service provided for our rural residents. I would like to investigate an increase in our road budget that would be dedicated to our rural roads when investing in our roads across the municipality. The completion of the Banting homestead master plan; continuing to provide a high level of service while keeping our taxes low…a continued pragmatic approach to maintenance and new infrastructure projects.
Bo Niederhuber: Top three priorities controlled growth and development. There will be a lot of outside pressure on our area and we have to stay ahead and plan plan plan 2. Local economy is very important. Supporting our local businesses whenever we can, which translate into local jobs and improved businesses. 3. I want to see the town’s existing workforce and resources managed into a productive, efficient and fiscally responsible system. resulting in a happier more productive workforce.
Rick Milne: My three important items for the coming term for our town would be affordable housing, support business growth and development and the continued improved to our roads and sidewalks.
Doug Weatherall: We need to control spending in order to control the debt and manage growth at a pace that health care does not fall any farther behind and maintain our roads better whether their in urban areas or in the rural areas.
What’s your view of New Tecumseth’s place in Simcoe County, Bo. Would you support city status for New Tecumseth?
Bo Niederhuber At this time we are one of the larger municipalities in Simcoe County..and we’re growing. As far as city status goes, that’s something that would need to be studied at length to determine the pro and cons. I really don’t know if I would support it at this time.
Christine Brayford We are one of the largest contributors to the county…Im not sure if this is what is best for New Tecumseth at this time. I need a better understanding as to whether or not we are receiving the best level of service for our money with the county as opposed to going it alone.
Rick Milne: I do support New Tecumseth staying within the county. At the present time New Tecumseth can not afford the services that the county provides to us. These services including waste management, social services, and ambulance services to name a few. We are not the largest financial contributor to the county however we do receive our fair share of the services offered.
What sets you apart from your competition? Christine Brayford: I will attend all of my committee meetings, working sessions, and budget consultations. I will not avoid the tough issues; I will listen to the residents and form whole well educated opinions, show up and vote in the interest of our residents. The town of New Tecumseth deserves a deputy mayor who will be active and on top of the issues that matter most to them.
Bo Niederhuber: I have gained a lot of knowledge working with the town for the past 20 years. I have also followed local politics closely for the past 10+ years. I run a successful business and I know how to get things done and how to make good decisions. I will be transparent and accountable. I believe people need to be more informed about the decisions that are made and why.
Rick Milne: I have over 20 years of experience in the municipal government field and also a clear understanding at the county level. I have chaired and vice chaired many committees both at the county level and also in our community. I have always worked for the betterment of the community. In my career life, I have also owned and operated my own businesses and been recognized as an entrepreneur. I am now retired and available to dedicate by time and service to the deputy mayor position full time. With the addition of new wards to our council, I feel that my experience will be helpful to mentor our new councilors in the next term.
Doug Weatherall: To all the traits that you have said in your question, I think that most people have a bit of these traits within them. But what I feel sets me apart is not what I have done , its what I can do for the people and that is really care about your issues that you bring before the council.


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