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A year ago: Student speaks out against public health cuts

In Governance
Apr 17th, 2020

Queen’s University Public Health Sciences

Current Master of Public Student student Izabelle Siqueira spoke out against provincial government budget cuts to public health in a letter to the editor published in Kingston’s The Whig Standard newspaper April 16, 2019 entitled “Public health spending and why it matters.”

Siquiera writes that Ontario government’s 2019 budget released last week is misdirected in projecting to reduce public health costs by $200 million by 2022. The proposed budget aims to fuse 35 public health units into 10 regional agencies by 2021, and has not specified what adjustments will be made to their budgets. She then weaves a compelling case for how preventative programs have been shown to significantly prevent illnesses and reduce costs that would be spent on expensive treatments at the doctor’s office or intensive care unit.

Here’s her full article:

Public health spending and why it matters

I don’t usually get political, but this time I know that the Ontario government’s 2019 budget released last week is misdirected in projecting to reduce public health costs by $200 million by 2022. The proposed budget aims to fuse 35 public health units into 10 regional agencies by 2021, and has not specified what adjustments will be made to their budgets.

For those of you not familiar with public health units, they improve health on a population level by providing disease prevention and health promotion programs. These include, but are not limited to, communicable disease control (outbreaks, STDs, immunization, health inspection, water testing); disease prevention programs (healthy eating, healthy weights, tobacco-use reduction); healthy growth and development and screening services. These preventative programs have been shown to significantly prevent illnesses, such as heart disease, and reduce costs that would be spent on expensive treatments at the doctor’s office or intensive care unit.

A systematic review based on 52 studies published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health calculated that health protection interventions, such as vaccines, could save $34 for every $1 spent. If these programs are cut, there will likely be millions, if not billions, of dollars of costs that are added to health services and the wider economy to treat preventable acute and chronic illness.

If there is significant evidence about the cost effectiveness of public health programs, why then is the Ontario government proposing cuts to these important interventions? A New York Times article by professors at the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health and the Indiana University School of Medicine speculated that political forces are more focused on projects that may have more obvious and immediate benefits, such as creating more beds at a hospital. Although these interventions can be helpful and sound promising to the general public, I know from my master of public health degree and the report on improving hallway health care by the Premier’s Advisory Council that, “A lack of early intervention and prevention is contributing to more patients becoming ill.”

Moreover, consolidating public health units into a centralized health service will mean there is less local assistance and guidance to the community and city officials, as believed by the Waterloo regional chair, Karen Redman. Within Kingston and the surrounding cities, Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox and Addington Public Health runs programs and creates resources for more than 190,000 residents. If this unit is merged with other units that serve completely different populations, what will this mean for localized health services and promoting health equity among all populations?

There are many questions left unanswered and decisions that are not justified by the 2019 budget. I encourage all readers to please stay informed about the facts and about the unintended consequences of the changes happening in Ontario. From everything I have learned in graduate school, I know that a negative change to public health funding is counterproductive when considering population health, sustainability of the health-care system, and cost-effective health spending.

If anyone feels as passionately as I do about this topic, please get in contact with me and help me take action to better inform the community and decision-makers.

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