• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Wednesday June 19: Two WATER events, in Orillia

In Agriculture
May 6th, 2019
1 Comment
Maude Barlow

Maude Barlow 

EVENT 2 Women and Water – Kim Wheatley, Maude Barlow, Coco Love Alcorn

Date and Time
Wednesday, June 19
7:00 p.m.

St. Paul’s Centre
62 Peter St. N., Orillia


According to local indigenous teachings, women are the keepers of the water. We know, too, that water is central to all of us, and we share responsibility for it. Three remarkable women are coming to Orillia to help us explore, embrace, and celebrate our relationships with water in the ways they know best: through stories, teachings, and song.

Kim Wheatley, water walker and Anishinaabe Traditional Grandmother, will utilize traditional stories, songs and teachings to generate meaningful relationships based on mutual understandings and respect for the earth.

Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson of the Council of Canadians, chair of Food and Water Watch, and Lakehead University honorary degree recipient (2005) will answer the question, “Whose Water is It Anyway?”, and discuss the fight for water justice in Canada and abroad

Canadian singer-songwriter, Coco Love Alcorn, who people will remember from her amazing turn at the Mariposa Folk Festival in 2018, will perform her viral hit, “The River,” along with many other top songs from her album, Wonderland, which reached number one on the folk, roots, and blues charts all across Canada.

$19 plus HST

EVENT 1 Water Abuse: Is Watershed Protection the Solution to Climate Chaos?

DATE: Wednesday; June 19, 2019

TIME: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

LOCATION : St. Paul’s Centre, 62 Peter St. N., Orillia

Humans have viewed water as a resource for our pleasure, convenience and profit, and have polluted, mismanaged and diverted the planet’s water sources mercilessly. As a result, even if we were to curb every greenhouse gas emission tomorrow, we would still have a global water crisis. Maude Barlow, co-founder and honorary chairperson of the Council of Canadians, will report on the nature of this crisis globally and here in Canada.

This is the fifth of five talks in the Third Age Learning Lakehead (TALL) series, There is No Plan(et) B: Climate Change and Our Evolving Legacy.:

The fee for all five talks was $64 plus HST (includes reusable coffee mug)


Climate Disruption: Looking Through our (Narrowing) Window of Opportunity
May 22

As we face the abyss of uncertainty about what the future holds for our species, we still have, in the present moment, an opportunity to decide what profoundly matters. Dr. Ellen Field, lecturer with Lakehead University’s Faculty of Education, will look at our restorative and subversive opportunities, final deadlines, and projected legacies.

Comprehending the Climate Crisis: Rising to the ‘Defining Challenge of our Generation’
May 29

Climate change is real. But it’s only in the last few decades that we’ve really witnessed its effects first-hand. Dr. Brad Dibble, physician, author, and member of the Government of Canada’s Sustainable Development Advisory Council, will help us understand the background science of climate change and how, as informed citizens, we can rise to the occasion.

Sustainability is ‘Good Business’: The Three Real Reasons Businesses Want to Fix Climate Change
June 5

As individuals, we want to avoid climate destabilization for the sake of our families’ futures. Unfortunately, that justification for action does not always translate well in boardrooms and executive suites. Dr. Bob Willard, author and sustainability expert, will reveal the three behind-the-scenes forces that are starting to mobilize for-profit enterprises.

Climate Changes Everything: The State of Climate Policy in Ontario
June 12

Key issues often become buzzwords, and it is so important to understand the concepts of carbon pricing, energy conservation, and urban sprawl, and how these affect us in our province. Dr. Dianne Saxe, former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario and president of Saxe Facts, will arm us with the knowledge we need to actively engage with climate change.

For more information or questions, please contact Dr. Linda Rodenburg, 705-330-4008 ext. 2632, lrodenbu@lakeheadu.ca


One Response to “Wednesday June 19: Two WATER events, in Orillia”

  1. Linda Rodenburg says:

    Hello! Thanks for sharing the information on this series! Would it be possible to let people know that they can register at mysuccess.lakeheadu.ca/cell?
    Thanks so much!

    AWARE Simcoe note: thanks for prompting us, we have added the link

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