• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Have your say on management of our forests

In Council Watch
Aug 22nd, 2017
1 Comment
Freele Tract

The Freele Tract – AWARE Simcoe photo

From the Friends of Simcoe Forests 

The Friends of Simcoe Forests are reaching out to you for your help in completing a very short survey prepared by The County of Simcoe pertaining specifically to our forests. We strongly encourage everyone to participate whether you reside within the borders of Simcoe County or elsewhere.

There is more to forest management than just harvesting trees. Habitat needs to be protected for the many species that live in our forests. We feel Simcoe should be working towards natural environmental forests managed from an ecological perspective, respectful and protective of the habitats required by the many species that are now present in these forests.

The Simcoe County Forest Plan (Simcoe County 2011) identifies sustaining forests including maintaining ecological processes and conservation of biodiversity as high priorities. The current Environmental Resource Recovery Centre (ERRC) project entails using forest (Freele Tract) for non-recreational, industrial use. This is clearly not in accordance with the Simcoe County Forest Plan.

County intro to survey

Link to survey 

The survey can also be taken over the phone by contacting 1-800-263-3199

Deadline is September 8 2017

Thank you in advance for participating in this survey and showing you have an invested interest in our forests and care about the manner in which they are managed.

One Response to “Have your say on management of our forests”

  1. John Bacher says:

    Simcoe County forests are well managed as long as uses that would strip forest cover such as works yards and waste transfer stations are kept out.

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