• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Tuesday September 27: proposed Eastdale development at Wasaga Beach council

In Agencies
Sep 26th, 2016
Wetland near Easdale Drive in Wasaga Beach

From Protect Wasaga Beach Wetlands (residents’ group)

THE ISSUE. Proposal to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Wasaga Beach thus laying the groundwork for a Developer to build up to 156 Townhouse units on lands designated Provincially Significant Wetlands.


• August 30th 2016 Council Meeting decided by a 4-3 vote to defer proposal on Official Plan amendment until the Developer and Town of Wasaga Beach Planning Department can submit an effective plan to address Flood Management

• We have been advised that this plan will be available to us by noon on Monday September 26th 2016 .

• The report and the plan will be on the Agenda for the Council meeting on Tuesday September 27th 2016, 7 pm. • While not certain at this time, in all likelihood there will be a vote to amend the Official Plan at this meeting.

• We have reached out to all Councillors to meet and discuss this critical issue over the next few days and their responses have been welcoming.

• Over the past few days some of our members have been poring over 9 studies and their reports prepared for and on behalf of the Developer which were submitted to the Planning Staff earlier in the year. This is still a work in progress. No easy task.

• By and large, the authors of these reports support the planned development subject to further studies and reports as the Development goes through the “different approval stages”.

• Nowhere in these reports so far are we able to determine, quantify the risks to the Wasaga Beach Wetlands and what are the Developer’s plan to mitigate these risks and potential damages to the Wetlands and its ecological functions.

• These lands are classified as Provincially Significant Wetlands and are protected from development by Section 2 of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement(PPS) which states ” development and site alterations shall not be permitted within Provincially Significant Wetlands in ECOREGIONS 5E,6E,and 7E unless it has been demonstrated that there will be no NEGATIVE impact on the Wetlands or its ecological functions.”


• The parcel of land in question is approximately 88 hectares, vacant and forested.

• The “majority” of the parcel is identified as Provincially Significant Wetlands associated with the Wasaga Beach Wetland Complex which extends to the northeast and southwest of the subject lands.

• According to the 2005 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation study report, the economic value of the Wetlands was $5,000 per hectare. In today’s dollars that means around $7,000 per hectare. (3% over 11 years)

• It is stated that the Amendment to the Official Plan applies “ONLY” to 46.5 hectares of the 88 hectares. (52%) of a parcel of land(88 hectares) where the majority is classified as Significant Wetlands raises some serious concerns .

Over the last two months when we became aware of this Development proposal much has been accomplished and your strong support has been greatly appreciated. Our letter of August 22nd 2016 to the Mayor and all Councillors summarized our key concerns with this proposed development. And in all honesty our voice was heard by Council given the 4-3 Vote to defer.

We have learnt much and will continue to learn but what has certainly been brought into much sharper focus is the need to Protect Wasaga Beach Wetlands. Wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate everywhere and we are only now waking up to their important functions for us and those that follow us in the many years to come.

Hence our communication on this Development will be on the banner of PROTECT WASAGA BEACH WETLANDS as the issue is not parochial in context but community and regional wide.

5 Responses to “Tuesday September 27: proposed Eastdale development at Wasaga Beach council”

  1. maggie says:

    If this development is allowed to go ahead, what’s to stop another developer and another one from demanding amendments to the OP to suit their plans to build estates in this beautiful natural setting?! Wasaga beach is for tourists. People come from all over Canada and elsewhere to enjoy Wasaga Beach’s natural setting and to enjoy the natural beauty of this one-of-a-kind piece of nature that must be preserved.

  2. Elaine says:

    Once again, issues such as these threaten our fresh water supplies. Sad.

  3. Mario Nobrega says:

    We presented our case to Wasaga Town Council tonight but they voted 5-2 to Amend the Official Plan thus opening the door for this ill fated project which will destroy the Wetlands . It is not yet over. Far from it.

  4. Renate says:

    I used to be a Hike Leader with the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association and would like to take some members of the Wasaga Council, the Wasaga Planning Dept. ,members of the NVCA and the MOE .
    and the Engineer from Burnside on a short walk along Eastdale, east of Twin Pines Dr. up the hill into Springwater Township on a rainy day in the height of the spring run-off. It might be an eyeopener for some.
    When the Alaska highway was built, nobody believed the local people not to remove the top layer of soil that protects the permafrost, everybody listened to the experts. Guess what happened when the permafrost thawed.
    By the way, the Ganaraska hiking trail has not been going through the subject lands for many years.

  5. maggie says:

    Hard to believe a developer would want to build an estate on what is significant wetlands, land where there is a real chance of flooding, soil erosion and possible mold and other water causing problems to manage before a spade goes into the ground. Lots of respiratory problems, I would think, for the people living in the houses too.
    Will this Council insist on the developer putting money aside, insurance money to pay for issues that will occur long after this present Council has been ousted?

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