• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Shocker: Evidence of new HIDDEN toxic dump upstream from Grassy IGNORED

In Environment
Jun 20th, 2016
Chief Simon Fobister

Mill worker confesses to burying 50 gallons with mercury poison upstream from Grassy Narrows

From Grassy Narrows Support 

Last summer Kas Glowaki, a former Dryden mill worker, made a shocking confession. He admitted to participating in the shallow burial of 50 barrels of salt and highly toxic liquid mercury behind the Dryden mill in 1972 upstream from Grassy Narrows First Nation.

Today, a front page Toronto Star investigation exposed that Ontario has neglected to clean up, or even locate, Glowaki’s reported mercury poison dump, more than six months after they found out about it. Ontario has not tested mercury levels in the Wabigoon River since 1980 – the one test that could tell whether the old mill site is leaking mercury.

The toxic waste Glowaki reports burying is enough to raise mercury levels in the Wabigoon River by ten-fold for 90 years if it reaches the river. Glowaki told the Star that the barrels were dropped in a dirt pit lined with plastic far from the official mercury waste disposal site.

Call Premier Kathleen Wynne and insist that Ontario clean up the river. Click here to see how. This is an incredible and utter outrage. Grassy Narrows people, including children, continue to be diagnosed with the life-altering symptoms of mercury poisoning more than 50 years after the Dryden mill began dumping untreated mercury waste into the Wabigoon River.

Fishing is a central part of Grassy Narrows’ culture and has provided sustenance, livelihood, and meaning for countless generations of Grassy Narrows people. The collapse of fishing as a result of mercury poisoning has created massive unemployment in the community. Social services are underfunded and youth suicides are on the rise adding to the generations of colonial government and corporate injustice committed against this formerly self-sufficient and healthy Indigenous nation.

Even after all this, Ontario and Canada have not committed clearly to cleaning up Grassy Narrows’ river without delay. Premier Wynne continues to deny that the river can be cleaned safely – something clearly contradicted by the expert reports.

Grassy cannot wait. The river must be cleaned. Together we can end this five decade long injustice. Click here to see how. If you haven’t yet, please sign this petition.

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