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Clearview mayor counters nepotism allegations

In Clearview
Jul 13th, 2015
Mayor Chris Vanderkruys -Wasaga Sun photo

By Ian Adams Wasaga Sun

Clearview Township’s mayor is denying accusations of nepotism after the municipality hired his daughter’s boyfriend as its communications coordinator.

However, Mayor Chris Vanderkruys acknowledged that he understood “the optics are not good.”

In a statement issued to the media Tuesday morning, following a two-hour in camera meeting to address the issue Monday night, Vanderkruys said Tim Hendry “achieved the position on his own merit, without any influence from myself, my position as mayor, or from our personal relationship.”

The new hire was announced by email to municipal staff and councilors. Tim Hendry was supposed to start Monday, July 13. Hendry’s start date was pushed to Wednesday as a result of the controversy.

Vanderkruys said Monday’s in camera session was more about “information” as a result of the stories in the local media. The mayor said the discussion was focused on the position and the hiring process, but needed to stay behind closed doors because an identifiable individual was now involved. Vanderkruys said he chaired much of the meeting, but did step away briefly during the discussion, though remained in the meeting in order to provide information to councillors.

In an interview with The Sun on July 10, Vanderkruys confirmed Hendry and his daughter, Kristin, met in university and have been dating for about a year and a half.

Hendry also worked on Vanderkruys’ mayoral campaign. His company, TRH Marketing, is listed on Vanderkruys’ financial return as making a contribution of $665 in goods and services for creating his campaign website.

Hendry, through TRH Marketing, has also done work for the Barrie Public Library. Vanderkruys, who is the library’s director of business and development, said while Hendry didn’t work directly with him, he did work with one of Vanderkruys’ subordinates.

“He’s very good at what he does,” Vanderkruys said.

Vanderkruys said Hendry disclosed to the township’s hiring panel that he had worked on the mayor’s campaign, as well as the Barrie Public Library. The township’s human resources manager Pavlina Thompson confirmed that Hendry provided that information.

The hiring panel included Thompson, the chief administrative officer, and the information technology coordinator.In his statement issued Tuesday, Vanderkruys stated the senior staff members who participated in the interview process were not aware of the personal relationship, and did not become aware of it until after the decision to hire Hendry has been made and communicated publicly.

Vanderkruys asserted in the interview he played no role in the hiring process, and didn’t know his daughter’s boyfriend applied for the job until Hendry mentioned to him that he’d been shortlisted for the position.

Vanderkruys said he didn’t discuss that with anyone, noting it’s a “double-edged sword” that Hendry could be seen as having a connection to the mayor.

“I understand the optics, but it’s sad to see,” Vanderkruys said. “I think it almost gives him a disadvantage (being connected to the mayor), and it’s not much of a welcome for a new employee.

“But I didn’t have a role in the hiring, I had no discussion on it. That’s not something I would do.”In his statement Vanderkruys reiterated that he understood “the optics of the situation could have been easily misconstrued, but I would like to formally confirm that I did not influence or have anything to do with the interview selection, interview process or the final hiring decision.”

Hendry will be reporting to CAO Stephen Sage, and will be responsible for creating, developing, coordinating and delivering all aspects of corporate communications including media releases and social media activities for the township. The position pays $56,000, plus benefits.

Council decided earlier this year to keep the position in the budget, after a motion not to hire a communications coordinator fell on a tied vote. Vanderkruys voted in favour of keeping the position in the budget for 2015.

Hendry has a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree as well as a Business Marketing Diploma.

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