• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

SLAPP suit, Great Lakes protection laws stalled at Queen’s Park

In Environment
Mar 1st, 2014

Write your MPP and ask for action by Earth Day

From Gillian McEachern Environmental Defence

Speaking out to protect the environment can be a tough haul sometimes. Big industries with deep pockets can afford to overwhelm community groups with technical experts and jargon. They can buy slick TV and newspaper ads, and hire expensive lobbyists to try to greenwash their projects.

But, one thing industries shouldn’t be allowed to do is intimidate people with the threat of multi-million dollar, frivolous lawsuits, known as SLAPPs.

Please send a letter asking your MPP to pass legislation to protect Ontario residents’ right to speak out about development projects.

A new proposed law, the Protection of Public Participation Act, would allow individuals and community groups to participate in government processes like Ontario Municipal Board hearings without fear of retribution from big companies.

Unfortunately, this Act is one of several important environmental laws on the chopping block if they don’t get passed quickly. Similarly, the Great Lakes Protection Act would improve water quality and protect the source of drinking water for 80 per cent of Ontario residents.

Both of these proposed laws have broad support among Ontarians, and have been supported by the majority of MPPs in the legislature.

So what’s the problem? Political gridlock at Queen’s Park is causing a standstill in getting these acts passed into law.

But protecting citizens’ democratic right to free speech without fear of SLAPP suits isn’t a left or right issue. Neither is protecting our water. Yet both laws are falling prey to bickering and political posturing.

Help us cut through the political standstill. With Earth Day (April 22) approaching, help us send a message to all MPPs that it isn’t enough to say they support free speech and clean water; they need to work together to get these two laws passed now.
Doing so would give Ontario’s environment a big present this Earth Day.

Draft letter and ED links 

2 Responses to “SLAPP suit, Great Lakes protection laws stalled at Queen’s Park”

  1. Edna Caldwell says:

    Mr. Dunlop,
    I am asking you to help pass legislation to protect the rights of residents of Ontario to speak out about development projects. The “Public protection Act” would allow citizens to speak up at such government processes as the On. Municipal Board hearings without fearing financial consequences.

    Also, I strongly believe the “Great Lakes Protection Act” is an extremely important Bill to pass so that we all can have cleaner water and protect the source of drinking water of many communities in Ontario. The future of our grandchildren is at stake.
    I urge you to support both these bills.

    Edna Caldwell,
    Shanty Bay,

  2. Helen Wellnhofer, Guenther Wellnhofer says:

    Dear Mr. Dunlop

    We all need your help to pass the legislation to protect our rights as citizens of Ontario to speak out about development projects which we feel are inappropriate. Ordinary Ontarians should not be afraid to speak out about these projects out of fear of being hit with a SLAPP suit. There must be public protection to allow citizens to speak up at such procedures as OMB hearings without fearing financial consequences.

    Also, we strongly believe that the Great Lakes Protection Act is an extremely important Bill to enact so that we all can have cleaner water and protect sources of drinking water of many communities. The future of our families and communities in Ontario are at stake.

    I urge you to support these bills and to try to influence your fellow MLA’s do do so as well.

    Helen and Guenther Wellnhofer

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