• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Protecting Clean Water and Prime Farmland

In Agriculture
Apr 29th, 2013
News release from AWARE Simcoe April 29, 2013
Alliston, ON – The Mega Quarry might be no more…for the time being….but there’s nothing to stop powerful companies from trying the same thing again and again and again.
Join AWARE Simcoe and guest speakers for the first Public Meeting on FOOD AND WATER FIRST. This is a movement born of the No Mega Quarry fight, aimed at protecting our Clean Water and Prime Farmland once and for all.
At issue is the Ontario Aggregate Resources Act, an antiquated piece of legislation created in the 1930s and completely out of touch with current land use realities. Quarries currently do not require environmental assessments and can be built on quickly disappearing Class 1 farmland.
Come learn, listen and find out what you can do to help protect our Clean Water and Prime Farmland for our children and their children!
Alliston’s Circle Theatre
Saturday May 4th 9:30 – 12:00
19 Victoria St E, Alliston ON
Refreshments and baked goodies provided – bring a friend!
•       Carl Cosack, Chair, North Dufferin Agricultural Taskforce
•       Shirley Boxem, NDACT
•       Bernard Pope, Ontario Farmland Preservation
•       Dale Goldhawk, AM 740 Radio
•       M/C: Donna Tranquada, writer and former CBC host

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