• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Province withdraws portion of Midhurst Secondary Plan Appeal

In Springwater
Nov 29th, 2012
Midhurst Secondary Plan OMB Appeal Partially Withdrawn 
On November 28, 2012 the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing withdrew part of its appeal of the Midhurst Secondary Plan (OPA 38). 
As a result of the Ministry’s partial withdrawal, 300 hectares out of the total 756 hectares proposed to be re-designated “Urban” in OPA 38 can proceed to development. The remaining 456 hectares and all related policies in OPA 38 will remain under appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). 
In its partial withdrawal letter, the Ministry confirmed its satisfaction with all of OPA 38 other than the 456 hectares remaining under appeal. The Ministry further confirmed that the 300 hectares of re-designated urban land being released from its appeal, located in specific areas identified in its letter, conforms with the requirements of the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2006) as well as Amendment No. 1 to the Growth Plan (2012). The Ministry is also satisfied that the 300 hectares meet the applicable criteria prescribed by Ontario Regulation 311/06 for the Growth Plan, in which the Province allowed for transition of up to 300 hectares of lands in OPA 38 for urban development if those criteria were met. Accordingly, no modifications to OPA 38 are required for the 300 hectares to proceed to development.
“We are pleased that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs has clarified how the Midhurst Secondary Plan conforms to the Growth Plan, Amendment 1 and the Province’s Transition Regulation”, said Mayor Linda Collins. “We agree that the remainder of the Secondary Plan should remain at the Ontario Municipal Board. Springwater fully supports the approach taken by the Ministry. In addition to the lands released for development, the secondary plan will designate over 1200 hectares of land to Environmental Protection or Natural Heritage thus ensuring the continued enjoyment by Springwater residents of our natural surroundings”.
The 456 hectares in OPA 38 which remain under appeal by the Ministry at the OMB will await further resolution in accordance with the Ministry’s withdrawal letter.
On November 3, 2008 the Township adopted the Midhurst Secondary Plan (OPA 38). The Township submitted OPA 38 to the County of Simcoe for its approval on November 12, 2008. The County approved a modified version of OPA 38 on October 12, 2011. OPA 38 was then appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by the MMAH and five (5) individual stakeholders. 
Now that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs has withdrawn part of its appeal to the Midhurst Secondary Plan (OPA 38) the following steps will be taken:
HOLD ZONE & SITE PLAN CONTROL – In order to ensure development continues in conformity with the Official Plan of the Township of Springwater a blanket “Hold” designation will be established across lands designated for development along with site plan control over the Industrial and Commercial lands. This will be done through a By-law (Public Process Required).
ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS – The completion of the Environmental Assessment Process (Phase 3 & 4) will be undertaken for water, sewer, and transportation.
NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN – This is a requirement of the Midhurst Secondary Plan. It is needed to provide connectivity between park blocks, trails, stormwater management and street connections between proposed plans of subdivision.
FRONT ENDING AGREEMENTS – Front ending agreements will be established between the developer and Township to ensure all up-front capital costs are paid by the developer and not the current residents and taxpayers of Springwater.
PLANNING ACT APPLICATIONS – Applications from developers are required for Zoning By-law Amendments and Plans of Subdivision. These will be processed in accordance with the Ontario Planning Act (Public Process Required).

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