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A new beginning

In Innisfil
Dec 11th, 2010

Council takes oath in front of several hundred people
By Chris Simon Innisfil Scope December 8 2010
Innisfil has elected an allstar team of councillors, says the town’s new mayor.
In front of several hundred people, the 2010-2014 term of council was sworn-in, during a ceremony at the New Town Hall Wednesday evening. They marched into the council chambers behind a bagpiper, listened to two choirs, took an oath of allegiance, and received a resounding applause from an audience mostly consisting of family, friends, dignitaries and former politicians.
The flash, formality and excitement was fitting, but residents will need to show patience with this new crop, said mayor Barb Baguley.
“I’m here simply as a public servant, who is deeply thankful, sincerely honoured and humbled to be the mayor,” she said, addressing the crowd during the ceremony. “Inaugural is a formal ceremony, election is a process, and now we are here to do the job. We are here to work on your behalf, and together we’ll create a vision for Innisfil — created by the community and facilitated by council. It’s a new day in Innisfil, there are many challenges and great opportunities. Together, we can build community spirit and improve our wonderful town. On Oct. 25, residents took the first step in responding to the challenges, they elected fine men and women. From my perspective, I see an all-star team.”
Each member of council was sworn-in during a ceremony last week. The ceremony also included speeches from dignitaries, and performances from Innisfil Community Church and Sandycove musical groups. There are six new members of council this term.
Doug Lougheed, Richard Simpson, Bill Loughead and Maria Baier all be entering their rookie terms. Deputy mayor Dan Davidson, and councillors Lynn Dollin and Rod Boynton served during the 2006-2010 term, while councillor Ken Simpson sat on council from 2003 to 2006.
Baguley is the most experienced member, serving from 1988 to 2006.
“My first term on council was an incredible learning experience,” said councillor Rod Boynton. “It was the most difficult term on council, I’ve been told. A lot of things happened, but we’ve come through it. I’m looking forward to moving forward and building on the foundations of the councils that have gone before us.”
Baguley says council will be faced with the tough balancing act of keeping tax rates steady, while approving necessary infrastructure work and maintaining high service levels.
“We will repair relationships with neighbours and create new ones,” she said. “We will work in the best interest of the community. While we must continue to protect our heritage, we must now, without hesitation, embrace the change in our community.
 “Innisfil is changing, and our way of governing must change with it. Democracy is sometimes messy, and there will be difficult times where council will falter. But we will be looking for support from our community and each other, to regroup and begin again.”
Others say they are ready for the challenge.
“Every neighbourhood in Innisfil has spoken loud and clear, for change to happen,” said Davidson.
“I look forward to moving (ahead) with everyone, with integrity and vision for the town.”
Lougheed was humbled by the election results.
“I’m deeply honoured by the confidence of voters in Ward 1, who elected me,” he said.
“There will be many challenges ahead. I look forward to a team that will be both transparent and inclusive to the many stakeholders, residents and staff. Working together is the only way to effectively meet our future challenges successfully.”
The first regular meeting of the new term is scheduled for Dec. 8 at 7:15 p.m. For more information, or a copy of the agenda, visit www.innisfil. ca

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