• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Let candidates debate the issues

In Innisfil
Sep 21st, 2010

Letter to the Innisfil Scope September 15 2010
I am writing on behalf of the Innisfil District Association, to take issue with some statements in the letter to the editor of Robert Karoly, which appeared in the Sept. 8th edition of The Scope. The writer inferred that councillor Dan Davidson is IDA’s candidate for deputy mayor. I can assure him that our association has a policy of not sponsoring candidates. However, we encourage our members to follow their civic instincts in supporting candidates, or even running for council.
The writer seems to erroneously equate Davidson being an underdog with having a lack of knowledge and experience. In my personal view, Davidson has spoken out at council more often than most other councillors, and shown courage and a good knowledge of the issues facing the town.
The writer suggests that the IDA has cost the town countless dollars. I disagree and offer the following facts. The application for the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the Big Bay Point Resort project was made by the developer. The IDA merely exerted their right to oppose, based largely on many environmental concerns. One, in particular, was the negative effect on an already distressed Lake Simcoe — by digging a 32- acre lake in the shoreline to accommodate a 1,000 boat slip marina. In addition, the bringing of the Motion for Costs of an absurd $3.2 million, and the many months
lost to hearing that, were solely the fault of the developer. commitment questioned
In regards to this election, I suggest that we let the candidates debate the issues. Further, I would hope the election will result in a council that properly respects the many environmental issues facing the town. I also hope it will be a council that will operate in a more open fashion, while listening to its citizens.
Don Avery, Chair, Innisfil District Association

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