• Protecting Water and Farmland in Simcoe County

Time to let voters pick warden

In Simcoe County
Dec 15th, 2009

Midland Mirror Editorial
Simcoe County has a new warden – but taxpayers had no say in the selection of Wasaga Beach Mayor Cal Patterson.
In fact, there was no race at all. Incumbent Tony Guergis knew he didn’t have the support of fellow councillors, so he bowed out.
There were no speeches or debate. Instead, the most important job in Simcoe County was won by privately lobbying fellow councillors.
Even if there were no backroom deals or promises for votes, it’s a bad idea to select the warden behind closed doors, away from the watchful eyes of voters and the media.
Of course, this process is not unique to Simcoe County. It’s the way most regional chairs are chosen in the Greater Toronto Area, as well.
So why aren’t these important leaders of municipal governments chosen by the people? Money, of course.
The most common argument against putting the warden’s name on municipal ballots every four years is the prohibitive cost of running a countywide campaign. Candidates, the argument goes, would be frightened off by having to raise the funds to compete.
Still, there are areas in Ontario that elect their regional leaders at the ballot box instead of around the council chamber. Ottawa and Sudbury both allow voters to choose.
There is another argument against a countywide vote for warden – the fear that developers would hold even more sway over municipal leaders by funding their expensive campaigns.
But there is a way around this conundrum. Candidates who have raised a set amount to show they are serious could be supplemented with public funds.
That may sound too socialist for some, but federal political parties already receive taxpayer money based on how many votes they get in an election.
A referendum question should be placed on municipal ballots next October asking what voters think.
Let the people decide.


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